Yeah, news again… read it…
Time for the news… I’s a wonderful Saturday morning for me… my kids have been fighting since they got up.. I can’t stand it…
Yeah, news, whatever… I’m not happy, Google stripped one of my sites of all it’s ranking. 99.9999% of all the links are nofollow, but yet Google doesn’t think that’s enough.. The world of search engines and sites should not be monopolized by Google. What gets me though is that Google doesn’t tell you anything, so you just have to guess as to what you think they might be thinking and hope for the best. If you’re going to make a set of rules, you need to share them with people so they know what the rules are. At least that’s what I think, but I don’t matter..
wow.. I’ve never been this broke.. I’ve got 40 cents in one account and a little over one dollar in my other… life sucks… I need to come up with $35 by the 24th or I lose my sites as I can’t pay for the hosting.. wow.. what’s the point, fuck it all…
here’s the news…
Ok, lots of problems with my other site, but I think I’ve got them fixed and just in time to post the news.. so go ahead and read that..