Tag Archive for Pyur

Pyür Digital Multifunction Kitchen Food Scale Review


New review by me…

Link: http://technogog.com/review/review-of-pyr-digital-multifunction-kitchen-food-scale/

Quote: “Up for review today I’ve got another product for the home and kitchen, it’s a digital scale from a company called Pyür and it looks very nice with a glass plate on it that’s easy to clean but sadly it doesn’t give consistent results. Read on to learn more… “

Bad Company Asked Me to Remove My Review from Amazon…


I’ve been reviewing products since 2004, maybe even 2003 and I’ve done thousands of them and every once in a while you run across bad companies. I get emails all the time asking me to review products and the majority of them I ignore or tell them I’m just not interested as I only review things I have a need for or things that I would actually buy, or consider buying.