Tag Archive for stupid

Chase update, yes they’re still incompetent!


so as of now I’ve spent over 3 hours and about 22 minutes in total on the phone with Chase banking over the last three days

I’ve spoke to 25 people as of today, and I finally made my car payment…

it shouldn’t be that hard to give them my money…

The best part about it is that none of them seem to know what the other is talking about.. 25 times now I’ve had to give them my account information, and it seems there’s no notes at all in my account as to the situation, so 25 times I had to explain the problem to these people…

How do they stay in business with such poor customer service?!?!

I literally have been trying to make my car payment since the 12th, and today I can finally do it, the day before it’s due….

and the account is still messed up as it says I still owe for last month as well, but I paid it, and what it says I owe them is actually less than my payment is and no one can tell me why or what it is?!?!

… at least I finally made the payment right?!?!

morons…. all of them…

RickRoll WTF?!?!?!

I must be too old or something, I don’t understand or find anything at all funny about this whole RickRoll thing going on now…

It’s asinine and childish from what I’ve seen, I didn’t think I was that old, I’m only 36, have I lost my sense of humor?

Or am I more mature than those who find the whole RR thing amusing and funny?

I don’t understand it all all… and I can’t figure out what is so funny about them.

I don’t know…

The Very Hungary Caterpillar

Yes I know it’s ‘hungry’ and not ‘hungary’

If you have children, then you are very familiar with the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ , I’ve got three kids and have read it so many times I’ve lost count…

anyway, my middle child, Nick, is in kindergarten and today he came home with this little book that they made in school… It’s a variation on the original story where in the end he says his stomach hurts and from now on he’ll only eat good food instead of junk.. but anyway, here’s a picture of the cover:

Notice anything wrong there?

I’m guessing he’s a very Hungarian caterpillar?!?  as opposed to be a plain Hungarian caterpillar…

The best part is that this little booklet thing is actually to help them learn to spell!!!!

Amazing isn’t it?!

Oh, well…