Tag Archive for Thecus

Tech News for Saturday May 28th 2016


Hello, time for the news, I’ve got all kinds of stuff to do but just not enough time to do it. There’s not enough time in the day to get everything done it seems. Now my wifes car just died, it’s dead, axle is cracked, it was a 1998 so I guess it lasted a pretty good while… Anyway, whatever, time for the news…

Tech News for Friday February 12th 2016


Yes lack of posts here, I need to post more but my hands are getting worse, they just seem to want to work most days…or at least they don’t seem to do what I want them to do so it makes typing hard. I have good days and bad days though, some are better than others and on the good days I try to get a lot done… Anyway here’s the latest tech news…