Time for the news again, but this post has several contests for you to enter. Scroll down to the Assorted section to see them..Good luck!
Time for the news again, but this post has several contests for you to enter. Scroll down to the Assorted section to see them..Good luck!
I hate hackers. Over two thousand attempts last night to gain access to this site, all in less than 15 minutes. Just ridiculous, there is no Admin account here, the first thing I do is delete it so it’s pointless to even try but they still do. Oh well, here’s the news…
Yep, it’s time for the reviews and news once again.. so read on and be sure to check for some great giveaways and contests down in the assorted section..
Hey it’s Cyber Monday, chances are you’re home shopping right? So how about some news to read?
Hello all, time for the news again, so read on for the news and reviews from sites around the world! There’s a few contests in there too down in the Assorted section, so you might be able to win something!
How about some news for you….