Tag Archive for Virus

5 Ways that Decent Antivirus Protection Can Help Protect Your PC from Viruses, Malware and other Online Threats


Computer technology and the internet have come so far that it becomes a necessary part of everyday living. Today’s computer and the internet is packed with wonders that keep people informed and entertained. Yet, with this growth also comes the evolution of online threats, viruses, and malwares that have become more sophisticated and dangerous. Without the proper strong protection, your data can be hacked or destroyed, your important files corrupted, and your hardware breaks down. So if you need a more sophisticated protection from all these threats, check out CF’s list for the best antivirus software.

Beware! Amazon Phishing Email


So here’s a new one, at least for me.. it’s an Amazon phishing email and it looks real only if you aren’t paying attention that is.. This just came in actually and it’s odd timing as I just ordered from Amazon about an hour or so ago.

First off it’s addressed to Amazon and not me as other Amazon emails are

The sender actually looks like Amazon but looking closer the email address is actually: nmx2@ymaill.se which is not Amazon

Then reading on you see a link to Amazon to fix the ‘problem’ but it looks funny especially with the whole ‘login-run’ thing at the end.


But that’s not actually the link as the real link it goes to is: http://zontic.eu/amz/update/fun/index.htm

I don’t think I have to say this but I will anyway, don’t go to the above link!!!

Which is obviously not Amazon.

Yeah, so make sure you read your emails carefully and don’t click on anything or else you could get yourself into quite a bit of trouble!!

Please be careful, I’m sure many people have fallen for this already as it does look real….